The Impact of Loss Estimation on Gibbs Measures


In recent years, the shortcomings of Bayes posteriors as inferential devices has received increased attention. A popular strategy for fixing them has been to instead target a Gibbs measure based on losses that connect a parameter of interest to observed data. While existing theory for such inference procedures relies on these losses to be analytically available, in many situations these losses must be stochastically estimated using pseudo-observations. The current paper fills this research gap, and derives the first asymptotic theory for Gibbs measures based on estimated losses. Our findings reveal that the number of pseudo-observations required to accurately approximate the exact Gibbs measure depends on the rates at which the bias and variance of the estimated loss converge to zero. These results are particularly consequential for the emerging field of generalised Bayesian inference, for estimated intractable likelihoods, and for biased pseudo-marginal approaches. We apply our results to three Gibbs measures that have been proposed to deal with intractable likelihoods and model misspecification.

In arXiv
Jeremias Knoblauch
Jeremias Knoblauch
Assistant Professor
EPSRC Fellow